Dedicated to the comic strip by Weingarten and Clark.
But then they went an spoiled the joke...
By printing the daily comics in color.
Cue Frank Sinatra, "What America Means to Me."
She learned her lessons well.
Well, it won't be a surprise now.
The perils of auto fill.
They do call it Turkey Day for a reason.
He does have his traditional standards.
It might have been true four billion years ago.
But not today so much.
As everyone knows, Life is a game..
A breakfast cereal and a magazine.
As excuses go, that's hard to swallow.
That took guts.
Adolf came up with his stage name...
McNeedsahug all on his own.
In one end and not out the other.
He simply couldn't hold it in any longer.
And the Bilderbergs are all Freemasons.
A subset of the Roman Piso conspiracy.
Just the same old song and dance.
Ono? Oh, Noh !
Well, at least he is consistent.
Little being the operative word.
Like the dinosaurs, we never knew what hit us.
Maybe like the Cavemen we can still sell insurance.
The well-known No Losers Mutual Insurance Company.
Premiums are high, but benefits are higher.
It is such a stimulating work environment.
And such inspiring co-workers.
Subtle hints are out this year,
So cut to the chase.
And even more people are afraid of medical bankruptcy.
Patients deposit their money, but only he takes it out.
Is the paper to smack him on the nose...
Or to use for paper training?
Sometimes she only cracks wise.
Irony is not what it used to be.
He should have appended the slash s.
Thus the confusion about sarcasm.
The Next Really Great War will End All.
We have had 2.1 and 2.2.
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
You happy few.
Yeah, but what does Dick Clark say?
He is the Cat's Pajamas.
His ennui is something new.
He is so jaded.
Compromising your principles for money, how American.
Gluttony before greed.
You should try her amazing Jackal Surprise.
Hyena flown in fresh daily from Africa.
Things always look so much better...
In the morning with a hangover.
The polls are the best indicator...
Of a complete lack of actual reporting.
He ages at one-quarter speed,
But the birthday parties are few and far between.
Some things just seem to be fated.
Separated at IVF.