Dedicated to the comic strip by Weingarten and Clark.
There is always a bad third option.
Don't hold your breath waiting.
He's really into Abstract Expressionism.
And fish.
Preferably, it would be packed in a measuring cup,
Rather than a suitcase.
Now if only he still had a license to surrender.
She's old enough to drive her father crazy.
The Devil really is in the details.
He'll get back to you on that,
He will just have to take her word for that.
Someone must have read his mind.
Now we know which came first.
Don't have a cow.
Another winner from the Invitational.
Experts? We don't need no stinking experts.
But in an unexpected twist of fate...
Incompetence is now only one candidate's problem.
Another winner of the Invitational online.
She is at a distinct disadvantage.
She isn't a CEO.
And he has a note from his doctor.
Partners in crime.
Today's strip was written by Marcel Liebert.
Keeping the peace at the dinner table.
Anticipating the need.
That does not augur well.
It is always a bad sign when scavengers die.
If he says that he always lies...
Can he be telling the truth?
At least he won't forget what day it is.
And one day he will use calculus, too.
"You can call me J, or you can call me Johnny."
He was named after the mystery writer J.B. Fletcher.
Something to do with Lard, perhaps?
It was affectionately used, no doubt.
Her last husband was a contractor.
So totally plausible.
Such a general description could fit anyone.
Naming no names.
What was the title of the book by Mark Twain?
What was the fashion in neckwear in Tudor England?
And that is adjusted for inflation.
Thought for him is a luxury.
She knows which side her bread delivery is buttered on.
The super-massive black hole of his ego.
Forcing him to think like a Supreme Court justice,
A fate worse than death.
Clearly, she does not have to imagine the worst.
Bring turned down is also a turnoff.
Be kind to your six-legged friends.
And they do so much for us in return.
Love like charity begins at home.
The exception that proves the rule.
To tell the truth...
There's just no winning with him.
It is much more efficient to sigh than...
"To emit a single audible exhalation of breath."
And that is no John Bull.
Election Day UK. Happy Fourth.
He married her for her brain.
The rest is all decoration.
"Man is born free, but everywhere is in chains."
Some are more free than others.