Dedicated to the comic strip by Weingarten and Clark.
And whatever you do, do not ask about his Bay.
Sanitized for your protection.
And his job likes him back with a smiling emoji.
Implausible deniability.
His biography will be a work of fiction.
Like twins separated at birth -- by an ocean.
A concise summary of the human race.
And yet, which species is dominant?
He is nothing if he is not impartial.
Henry has his moment.
There is something fishy about that.
No thanks, I had wet socks for lunch.
It could be worse. He might be a purse dog.
Do they both have their teeth?
Who is holding the carving knife in that kitchen?
Gobble, gobble. Eat on the run.
Laboring to make a point is hard labor.
Losing on points.
Serves you right for ordering the custom plates.
Maniac? You caught him on a good day.
Someone salted that mine.
As scams go, it's penny ante.
By that logic, it leads to marriage, as well as divorce.
Probably many regrets.
Logorrhoea may be a symptom of severe creativity.
Consult your PhD.
Nobody ever heard the unspoken truth.
Suddenly so clear, imagine that.
Walked out of the restroom trailing tissue again?
Made you look.
A brief nap is good for you.
A public nap is a crime.
The customer is always right...
But only if he is a customer.
And do not leave out any juicy details.
Not gloating in the least.
Good ahead, add to global warming.
He is flush with flooring, the floor flusher.
Someone needs to make more friends.
Mr. Irresistible.
This could escalate to hand gestures.
Evil eye is worse than pink eye.
Stealing cars teaches you stuff.
In the words of Yogi Berra, "You can learn a lot just by looking."
The Washington Post March isn't lively enough?
Disco works for CPR.
Succinct but pithy, worthy of Poor Richard.
A special place in his heart.
The News: British tabloid edition.
Old saying: If you want a friend, get a dog.
Next step a VR date.
They have an open source relationship.
Catch some serious disease.
That will fix you.
All the anti-science extinction seekers disagree.
Nothing more valuable than capitalization.
An army marches on its stomach.
Number, please.